Reggae Drone

Frank Cucumber and Sean Down were traveling around West Bulgaria in 1688.  One night they sat around a campfire, drinking a lot, playing music and having a merry time.  Their intoxicated state prevented them seeing a gypsy slip a pill into their alcohol supply.  The next day Cucumber and Down woke up inside a clear, glass bottle.  Both of them had shrank to the size of an average woman's thumb.  Every night the gypsy people would take them out of the bottle and force them to sing and play music for the campsite.  The gypsy musicians never turned up to such events as they were jealous and filled with anger that these two tiny travelers had taken their function in the community.  One of the musicians, Django, got so jealous that one night he set fire to the caravan that held the clear glass bottle.  Fortunately a lick of flame pushed the bottle off the table, it smashed across the floor and the two men were small enough to escape under the caravan door.  They ran.  They ran far, far away from the campsite to a store room.  They clambered underneath the door of the store room to meet a friendly, relaxed man full of wisdom.  He showed Cucumber and Down around the store room where he kept herbs, flowers, bushes and trees of many varieties.  One of them was called "the black rose" and looked nothing like any rose that Cucumber Down had ever seen.  Bob, the storeroom man (who later reached great fame and fortune with his own musical career) told the tiny men that if they inhaled the pollen of the black rose they would return to normal size.  They took the advice and breathed in the entire rose.  The two men grew and grew past normal size to greater hight.  They became so tall that they saw from a new perspective - their altered hight allowed them to reach a greater, more conducive and open minded outlook on life.  After a couple of hours being really, really high they reduced back to their original size.  
They thanked Bob and went to the 
nearest pub to drinkplay 
music and be merry. 
It's so obvious that you might even say that 

          I wrote a letter to all the ones repenting in the knowledge that Jesus will come and judge. 
The words meant nothing and my fingers turned numb, the boy in the corner at the back of my mind wont budge.

The bottle on the deck has done 
The bottle on the deck has done

The pill I took wont help me forget there was nothing left when I hit the deck begrudged.
They used to hold wine, they used to hold codeine, nothing feels fine when my fingers turn numb.

The bottle on the deck has done 
The bottle on the deck has done 
The bottle on the deck has done

The store room where they all would smoke has a fire proof door so no one smells the burn.
The money they spent on the bar that night didn't hold up to the money they would earn.

The bottle on the deck has done 
The bottle on the deck has done 
The bottle on the deck has done